Everyday Earnings

Shop, save, and support. Use any or all of these methods to help raise funds for PTA initiatives like enrichment classes, school supplies, social fun nights, and more!

  • FlipGive logo

    We can earn up to 25% back for our school when shopping popular online brands like Walmart, Apple, Starbucks, Xbox, Nintendo, Panera, and so many more!

    To support our fundraising campaign:

    1. Visit https://www.flipgive.com/f/768184

    2. Click Shop Online

    3. Select ‘cash back earnings’ to contribute to the PS166Q team!

  • Book Culture logo

    Book Culture will donate 15% of designated purchases made in their stores or online to the PTA of PS166Q.

    When checking out in person, mention that you’d like your purchase to support PS166Q and they will allocate a portion of the sale to the school. There is no additional cost to you, and you’ll get their best price even during special sales.

    When purchasing online you can check out using the code “GB-PS166Q”.

    Local store: 26-09 Jackson Avenue, L.I.C.

  • Classroom Rewards logo with a smiley face and heart in the two Os of Classroom.

    Support our school every time you shop.

    Join today and you can earn 5% back in Classroom Rewards on in-store purchases to give to a local teacher or school, plus up to 5% back in Staples Rewards®.

    Find our school, Henry Gradstein/PS166Q, or find a specific teacher you’d like to support.


If you’re interested in helping the PTA raise funds for our school, please reach out to us with your ideas and availability. We’d love to brainstorm on new ways to bring more social events and enrichment to the students of PS166Q.